I am giving away my Nursery rhyme sets!! That is a total of 30 centers! 15 literacy activities and 15 math activities! I am looking forward to using this with my kiddos over the next few weeks. The centers in these packs are perfect for the beginning of the year of kindergarten or as a review or RTI for the beginning of first grade. You can click on the images to check out the preview of each unit:)

Enter the rafflecopter for your chance to win!!! I wish you the best of luck!! Winners will be announced on Monday:)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hop over to Fun in ECSE to check out her giveaway!!! Click on her blog button to head to her blog. Then hop over to the next blog in the hop until you reach the end!!
Hop over to Fun in ECSE to check out her giveaway!!! Click on her blog button to head to her blog. Then hop over to the next blog in the hop until you reach the end!!
Thank you so very much for stopping by and participating in this Early Childhood blog hop!

These Nursery Rhymes for kids are easy to learn with joy and comfort for kids with energy in playing way.