Friday, July 31, 2015

Five for Friday 7-31-15

I couldn't resist this haha!! Why do they do this to us the first few days of school when we need that time in our rooms?!?!?!?

This is my last Friday of summer vaca!!  I am both sad and excited at the same time. Monday is my official first day back and meet the teacher will be Tuesday and then the kiddos will come to school on Thursday! AHHHHHHHHH! Ready or not!!!!
It is time for my favorite Friday link up with the amazing Doodle Bug Teaching! Here is a quick peek at my crazy week:)
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I feel that I might just break even after all the trips to the Target Dollar spot, Dollar trees and teacher stores I've made over the last few weeks. I am so incredibly  happy that today was pay day!! I was running on fumes ha!
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I finished up my Super Improvers Wall this week! I am happy with the way it turned out. I am looking forward to starting the year off as super improvers!!
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I have been running around like crazy this week! Trying to put the finishing touches on my classroom, getting meet the teacher stuff done and wrapping up a few TPT projects! I finally finished these 2 babies and am almost done with #3! Woop Woop!
I love Nursery rhymes! I have noticed over the last few years that fewer and fewer of my kinders know the traditional nursery rhymes! So to help with that I am doing a Nursery Rhyme unit this year and created these center packs for some extra fun:)
Thankfully I got them finished just in time for the Back to School TPT sale!! I have several things in my cart and on my wish list I can't wait to grab next week!!
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE college football! I am also a die hard Alabama fan:) I can't wait for football season to kick off!!!! They released our schedule and I am really looking forward to Saturdays with friends and family watching football and grilling out! Of course I am hoping to make it to Tuscaloosa for a few home games too!! Do I have any fellow football lovers out there???
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Last week Mexican food made it to the Five for Friday and it makes a second appearance this week! I spent all day in my classroom on Thursday and couldn't even think about cooking so we headed to our local Munoz and it was FAB! I could eat there several times a week. It is also conveniently located about 2 miles from my school!

For all my teacher friends who are going back to school or getting ready to head back here's a little eye candy for you!! Ryan appreciates you and so do I! I love the friends I have made on this journey and appreciate you more than you could ever know! 
Thanks for stopping by to read about my week!! 
Head over to Doodle Bug Teaching to link up and join in on the fun!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Assess me- Get to know you linky!
I stumbled upon this fun linky by the Tattooed Teacher! What a super fun ice breaker linky! This linky will run for the next 3 to 4 weeks and will be a great way to get to know more about my fellow bloggers and for you all to learn a little bit more about me!

Thanks for stopping by and reading my self assessment! Head over to the Tattooed Teacher to link up and join in on the fun!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Scoop 7-26-15

Well peeps we are entering my last week of summer vacation! That's right is all over but the crying!! All kidding aside I am sad to see summer go but excited about meeting my new group of kinders. 
Since this is the last Sunday in July I thought this quote was perfect ha! Here is my latest edition of the Sunday scoop! This fabulous link up is hosted by the Teaching Trio.
Have to:
1. I have to finish my nursery rhyme pack this week!! I know with the craziness of the first week of school I would never get it finished.
2/3.  I plan on enjoying my last week of summer vacation by sleeping in and having SEVERAL pj days!!!!  Does anyone else wish they could wear pj's to school everyday?!?! I think it would make better teachers! I think someone should write the superintendent and ask? Okay I know I'm only dreaming!! (If we can't even get a raise I'm sure wearing pj's to school is out too)

Hope to:
1.  My daughter wants to go see the movie Paper Town this week. I'm hoping it will be good! Has anyone seen it?
2. It is super hot here and it will be nice to enjoy some pool time before school starts as well!

Happy to:
I love girls nights!! I am looking forward to getting together will some girlfriends for a kid free night out!

I hope you all have a FABULOUS Sunday and a GREAT week!! Thanks for stopping by and reading my scoop! Head over to the Teaching Trio to link up and share your Sunday Scoop

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Spotlight Saturday 7-25-15

Can it really be Saturday again? I love this Saturday link up! It is a great way to spotlight a teacher and or activity that has been successful in your classroom. This link up can also be used to spotlight something that you are going to use in your classroom. This week I am going to spotlight Pockets of Preschool!

I am SUPER excited to use her green and red choice pack! Teaching little ones about smart choices can be challenging and giving them some visuals is always useful!! I love the pictures that Jackie included in this pack! You can click on the cover to head to her TPT store and grab this pack!

I love the variety of pictures for the green and red choices included!

This book comes in a color and black and white!
I know that this activities in this pack will help my kiddos understand the difference between those red and green choices. You should definitely check out this pack! 
Jackie has a great blog post on this pack on her blog! Click on her button to head over and read about it.
Pocket of Preschool
Thanks for stopping by and reading about my spotlight Saturday! Head over to Kindergarten Dragons to link up and join in on the fun!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Five for Friday 7-24-15

Is it Friday already?!?!?!?!?! This week literally flew by!!! I have one more week then it's back to school for me! When do you go back to school?
Well since it is Friday it is time for this fun link up with Doodle Bug Teaching! I love these Five for Fridays!
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I don't know about you but it is sooooooooo stinking HOT here!!! It literally takes lots of energy just to walk to your car and not break out into a sweat!!! I have gotten to spend a few of these sweltering days at the pool this week! Woohoo!! Sorry no pictures of me in a bathing suit on the blog ever hahaha!!

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I am apart of a facebook group called Simply Kinder! It a great group of kinder teachers! Well Jennifer from Simply kinders asked us if we would like to participate in a back to school gift exchange.  She matched us all up and we would buy a few of our favorite things for our partner teacher and send it to them! I got mine this week! My box was loaded with fabulous things! I really wanted those dice, pointers and first day chalkboard from Target but couldn't find them on the ....way to many times I went!  I also LOVE this laminator!! My other one is several years old and I needed to replace it:) Donna Conway rocks at gift exchange!! Thank you again!!

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 I spent several days at school again this week! I am still in denial that I start back in 9 days!!! I'm ready but not ready at the same time HA! I love all things Pete the cat and so I decided to use this as my welcome back board. I still need to add the shoes with my kiddos names on them to finish up but I love it!! 

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I love Mexican food!! We eat it usually 2 times a week at my house! This week was no exception! It was the perfect dinner last night after a long day in my classroom:)

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This week my Kinder tribe launched our collaborative blog! I am so blessed to a part of this kinder tribe! We launched the blog on Wednesday will lots of prizes! Head over for your chance to win! I am looking forward to what the future holds for this group!!!!! If you are a kinder teacher I encourage you to join this group. You can search Kinder tribe on facebook to find it! You can also click on the blog button to visit our new blog:)
Thanks so much for stopping by to read about my Five for Friday! Head over to Doodle Bug Teaching to link up and join in on the fun!